My Colorado friends are surprised whenever I tell them it snows in Texas, so I thought I would share some photos of my trip down there this past week. I went to do some cleaning on our Texas house. We had nice, but windy weather the first few days, then the storm came in. We were watching the news on Wednesday night and the weather man said it would begin raining and then change over to snow in the night. I told Dad I would go and do an old fashioned weather check, so I went to the door and looked out and sure enough, it was raining. I was so nice to go to bed that night and listen to the rain. When I woke in the night it had become quiet so I looked out and there was just beginning to be a light frost of snow on the ground.
This is the road to Mother and Daddy's house.
I had to meet the plumber in town at 8:00 a.m. and this is what it looked like at 9:30 on my way back to the farm. A snowy wonderland and still snowing. It was going sideways.
This is the road to Mother and Daddy's house.
I had to meet the plumber in town at 8:00 a.m. and this is what it looked like at 9:30 on my way back to the farm. A snowy wonderland and still snowing. It was going sideways.